Iowa Forensics League
Iowa Tournaments
Each Year, the the state of Iowa hosts dozens of well run tournaments. From September to April, there is always something for speech and debate students to do. Iowa currently has four tournaments that are bid level tournaments to the Tournament of Champions.
The list of current tournaments are: (Note-This by no means is a comprehensive list. As more we hear about new tournaments, they will be added to this list. Also, contact information and dates will be added when they become available.)
Valley Mid America Cup @ West Des Moines Valley HS
UNI Brindly @ the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
Iowa Caucus @ Cedar Rapids Washington HS
Roughrider Invite @ Des Moines Roosevelt HS
Bulldog Invite @ Bettendrof HS
East High Gurnsey Invite @ Waterloo East HS
Lincoln Railsplitter @ Des Moines Lincoln HS
East High Invite @ Des Moines East HS
Dowling Paradigm @ Dowling Catholic HS
City High Classic @ Iowa City HS
Great Midwestern Novice Nationals @ Iowa City West HS
Fall Conference @ Marshalltown HS
IFL State @ the University of Iowa, Iowa City
Okoboji Objective @ Okoboji HS
Spencer Invite @ Spencer HS
Sioux City Sue @ Sioux City West HS
Heelan Invite @ Sioux City Heelan HS
East and West Iowa NFL qualifiers (Locations vary)